Thursday, May 5, 2011

Oh hey, results, nice to see you again...

So its only been one day, but I stepped on the scale this morning and had lost 1.2lbs! Considering I havent been able to get the scale to budge in ages (at least in the down-direction), this was very exciting!

Last night for dinner I made Turkey Parmesan, a low-carb recipe I found here:

However, apparently in south philly, they don't eat pine nuts, and I couldn't find them at the grocery store, so I did cheat and use bread crumbs, but it wasn't THAT much of a coating, so I didn't feel terribly guilty about it. Although I was really very curious as to what ground up pine nuts would taste like, as a bread crumb substitute, so I'll be attempting that one again soon. Jerry had some pasta with his, which seemed to be an easy compromise.

While on a fruitless pine-nut search, I did manage to stock up on things like string cheese, pepperoni, 100-cal packs of almonds, etc. So I'm feeling much more prepared to attack this thing head on!

I decided I'm going to keep track of calories too, I know on low-carb you are just supposed to throw caution to the wind with regard to calories, but I feel I need to keep an eye on it just in case.

Oh! And I also made mashed cauliflower with butter, garlic, chives, and bacon to have for lunch today (also known as, "my coworkers are going to LOVE me"), I'm excited to try it, it smelled deelish.

My energy level isn't so bad, I even got up for the gym this morning and did a quick 20-minute run on the treadmill, so this feels very do-able.

BEST NEWS OF ALL: I bought a crock-pot last night. I'm super excited to use it, I've never had one in my entire life, or even used one. But the idea of coming home and dinner being cooked already, is the greatest thing ever.

Ok, time for more string cheese....

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