Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The 30 Pound Challenge......annd....GO!

So, my 30th birthday is quickly approaching (well, October, but thats fast enough!), and I've decided to challenge myself to lose 30lbs by then. Why, you ask? Well, if you see my other blog you'll notice that I was once an amazing marathon runner (ok, more like, a regular slow person trying to run a marathon), it was great, I ran it in 5:01, and had a blast! But then, a month later, I tore my lisfranc ligament, needed foot surgery, and was laid up in a cast for almost 6 months. And even after that, I wasn't up and running marathons....

So guess what happened? Despite my best efforts of tracking points, counting calories, and what have you.....30 pounds slowly creeped up on me in less than a year!

So now its time to do something about it. for real this time. I tried Nutrisystem a few months ago, and GAINED 3lbs. Body Fail.

This morning I'm starting a South Beach- like, low-carb diet, and excited for some results already. I'm also going to be bumping up the exercise and weight training, because I apparently have zero metabolism without exercise.

I'm going to use this blog to vent about what I'm eating, frustrations, successes (lets hope), and weigh-in every friday morning. I'm hoping, even if no one out on the interwebs reads this, that itll keep me accountable and on track!

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